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Manage Your Diabetes with Help from Griffin Hospital

According to the American Diabetes Association, an estimated 25.8 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, including 7 million who are undiagnosed. There is also an estimated 79 million people with prediabetes.

Diabetes, type 1 and type 2 can be a debilitating chronic disease if it’s not managed correctly or consistently. While some are born with diabetes (type 1), others acquire it during their lifetime (type 2). And while prevention of diabetes is the best medicine (and achievable) management of diabetes once you have acquired it, is mandatory for continued health.

Managing your Diabetes is Key

Without proper management, additional health issues are always a threat. Problems with eye sight, circulation and more must be monitored and prevented through ongoing diabetes management. In addition to seeing your physician on a regular basis, Griffin Hospital encourages you to take part in these free and effective diabetes management programs:

The Diabetes Education & Support Group

The Diabetes Education & Support Group can help you manage the challenges of living with diabetes through education and peer support. In addition to monthly support from people facing the same challenges as you, guest speakers often present topics of interest and provide expertise. Learn more and see the schedule of upcoming meetings here. Learn more here


GlucoseZone is a digital health exercise solution that helps patients reduce body weight, improve A1C, and lower medication requirements by offering exercise guidance based on diabetes type, real-time blood sugar levels, and other biometrics.

GlucoseZone directly addresses the often missing exercise component of diabetes management effectively, efficiently, and affordably. This program provides people with diabetes and pre-diabetes the tools to manage their own health. Patient activation is facilitated through the GlucoseZone app as they are actively involved in their own personal health care process. Through this actionable exercise solution people are able to reduce their body weight, lower their A1C and lower their medication requirement in a fun and safe way. Introduce your patients to GlucoseZone and help them engage in a person-centered care solution for diabetes and pre-diabetes. Learn more here.

Healthy for Life

Healthy for Life with Elevated Blood Sugar is a free, six-week program for individuals diagnosed with either pre-diabetes or diabetes to help them manage their elevated blood sugar in several ways, including education on healthy eating, weight management, and physical activity. Learn more here.


Live Well Diabetes Self-Management Workshop

Griffin Health offers The Live Well Diabetes Self-Management Workshop, a free, six-week workshop to help empower individuals diagnosed with diabetes take control of their health.

This interactive workshop will focus on several topics for those with diabetes, including healthy eating, foot care, low and high blood sugar, sick day guidelines, tips for dealing with stress, and how to set small and achievable goals.

The Live Well Diabetes Self-Management Workshop is an evidence-based self-management program developed at Stanford University. The workshop is also open to caregivers.
Books and other materials for the workshop will be provided at no cost. The program is sponsored by the Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging and the Griffin Hospital Community Outreach and Valley Parish Nursing. Learn more here.


Weight Management Exercise Program

Griffin Hospital offers a medically supervised Weight Loss Management Program for people who are on a weight loss journey and would benefit from the support of medical professionals. Let our highly trained and experienced Exercise Physiologist help you set and meet your weight loss goals. Participation in this program requires a physician referral. Learn more here

Additional Diabetes Management resources from Griffin Hospital

Fitness Center
• Pharmacy
• Health Resource Center
• Dietary and Food Services
• Spiritual Care