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The Affordable Care Act requires non-profit hospitals to perform a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years and to adopt an implementation strategy to meet outstanding community health needs identified in the assessment as a condition of maintaining the institution’s federal tax exemption.

On September 29, 2022, representatives from Griffin Health, the Naugatuck Valley Health Department (NVHD), and the Valley Community Foundation (VCF) approved the 2022 CHNA, also known as the 2022 Valley Community Index. This document, created in collaboration the NVHD, the VCF, and numerous local community health and human service organizations and in partnership with DataHaven, provides the hospital’s Lower Naugatuck Valley service area with timely, comprehensive socioeconomic, education, health, and well-being data shaping our region. This valuable assessment tool provides valuable insights that lead to the development of the 22-24 Naugatuck Valley Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), which focuses on specific priority areas related improving the health of our community derived from health needs identified in the CHNA.

Griffin Hospital shared this comprehensive document about the Valley region to many community members in November 2022.