Weight-Loss Toolkit – A Well-Being Program
If you would like to be on a waiting list for future sessions, please contact The Griffin Center for Healthy Living Coordinator at oadcox@griffinhealth.org or 203-732-1369.
Weight-Loss Toolkit – A Well-Being Program is a free, evidence-based healthy eating and active living course for adults based on Eating Smart, Being Active©.
This six-week program provides tools and tips for sustained weight loss, such as creating individualized meal plans and proven weight-loss exercises.
Based on the latest research findings from the American Dietary Guidelines and written by educators at Colorado State University, Weight-Loss Toolkit educates and empowers participants to lead a healthy life through concepts for physical activity, food preparation, cooking and shopping skill development, and food safety. Nutrition education for chronic disease management is integrated into every class.
This session will be held on Wednesdays January 22 and 29, and February 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 4-5:30 p.m. at Griffin Hospital, 130 Division Street, Derby.